Baby Ballet

Sharing is caring!

We have had a big week of firsts….(first trip to the lake for the kids – pictures to come, first day of school for Easton, and the first day of Baby Ballet at Jenks Dance Academy for Emmy). This means lots of pictures since I am psycho about practicing with my camera now, which means lots of blog postings….it truly is the easiest way to share the pictures with friends and family. So here are some from Emmy’s big day today. She was absolutely precious! Oh, and I’ve been playing around with editing my pictures and I’d love some feedback. For instance, do you like this picture better above…we’ll call it #1 (in faded black and white) or below #2 (in faded color)???

And do you like this one better…we’ll call it #3 (with the white blurred edges) or the one below where she is setting (#4) better?

This is #4…with black blurred edges instead of white. What do you like better???