Keri and Elliana

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My bestfriend from high school, Keri, and her beautiful 10 week old daughter, Elliana, were in town and came over to spend the afternoon with us today. It was such an amazing time….we have one of those friendships that just “works.” No matter how long it has been since we have seen each other or talked, we pick up right where we left off. Keri just gets me…and spending time with her was exactly what I needed today. Thanks so much Keri for coming over and hanging. Thanks for listening. Thanks for being you. You are just as beautiful on this inside as you are on the outside and I know your gorgeous daughter will be just like her momma in that regard! Of course we had to do a little “photo shoot.” I mean look at this baby…she is gorgeous! By the way…this first picture is my absolute favorite because of Keri’s smile. It was the first thing I ever noticed about her….her gorgeous smile and the contagious laugh that goes with it. .