Happy Birthday Coco!

Sharing is caring!

That’s my birthday boy.  Three years old today.  I love those blonde curls and those baby blue eyes.  That laugh.  That smile.  That ornery twinkle in those baby blues.
I had big plans.  Big plans to bust out the camera and do a special little 3 year old birthday shoot this weekend.  Then have all those pictures edited in order to do a photo montage for the birthday boy.  But instead, I spent all day Friday in a speech pathology conference and then came down with a horrendous stomach bug and/or food poisoning that had me either cradling the toilet (sorry if that’s TMI but it’s just the truth) or laying in my bed trying to recover all weekend long.  So what is a mom to do when she finally finds the strength to pull herself out of bed on the eve of her baby boy’s 3rd birthday with no birthday photographs to share?  She improvises.  I went back through my iPhone photos as of late and came across a few of my favorite “Coco caught in the moment” moments.  Funny how improvisation is probably better than anything I could have come up with in some staged photo shoot.  These four scenes of Coco “caught in the moment” capture my little man better than anything else could have.  That’s my boy.  Doing what he wants.  When he wants.  How he wants.  (Top left)  After 3 plus hours of staying awake WAY past his bedtime and playing for hours in his closet, he finally falls asleep with his blanket and stuffed animal on the floor.  (Top right) and my personal favorite….he pulls his pants down for the FIFTH time at the baseball field to relieve himself behind home plate at brother’s baseball practice.  (Bottom left) Just chillin’ at the donut store and smiling that million dollar smile while saying “CHEEEEETHE” with his sweet little lisp.  (Bottom right) Just another morning of riding my plasma car with some work goggles on and some pretty sweet morning hair.

Oh Coco Miller.  You are SO. FULL. OF. LIFE.  You do everything 110%.  You do happy 110% and yes, you do mad 110%.  There is no in between for you.   You are passionate.  You are headstrong.  You are full of energy.  You never let anything stand in the way of what you want to accomplish.  Yes, some of these qualities have made it “interesting” to be your mother as a baby, and a one year old, and a two year old.  But everyday I look at you and I see you growing into this amazing young man who is going to accomplish great things.  I believe in you.  I hope you always, ALWAYS keep your spirit.  I hope you are always as passionate and as full of life as you are today, as a three year old.  And I hope you always, ALWAYS, know how much I love you and how much I thank God everyday that he gave you to me and allowed me to be your mother.  Happy Birthday my blue-eyed baby boy.  Mommy loves you.

And thank you to my bestie, Bethany Good Photography for capturing the non-iphone portion of the photos used in this blog!