Born To Be Wild {A Bubbles Birthday}

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Born to be wild.  That’s my little man.  The night before his birthday I was picking out his clothes and there was really no option other than his “BORN TO BE WILD” shirt of course.  We had a little last minute birthday celebration for the birthday boy and you know, sometimes last minute and simple is just the best.  We headed out to the park with friends, cupcakes, and BUBBLES on the afternoon of his birthday and we had an absolute blast.  Ok, so I have to admit that when we were picking up things for Coco’s birthday celebration Michael picked up a big bubble wand and put it in the cart.  Then I looked at him and said “What are you getting that for??  We don’t need that.”  He put it in the cart anyway.  Honey.  You were right.  Yes, the bubbles were the hit of the party.  I love this little man.  I love his spirit.  I love how he ran races and chased bubbles with his friends on his special day.  I love last minute birthdays.  But most of all, I love the birthday boy. Some more of the sweet birthday guests who came to celebrate the birthday boy with us.
I love that little face.  Seriously…Boys.  Bubbles.  It’s a good mix.  I’m so glad I thought of the bubbles.  I’m a genius. (Just kidding Michael.  You are the genius here.  I admit it and give you all the credit).The birthday boy and his buddies.Oh and this is my husband terrorizing spinning the older children on this spinny contraption at the park.  I apologize to everyone’s children…especially those children who almost threw up or were screaming and begging to get off while my husband pretended to not hear them and kept spinning them faster and faster.  Yep.  He was born to be wild.  And wild he is.  And I love him.  A lot.