Coco Prayers {A Coco Story}

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I was on a bit of a blogging slump for quite awhile for some reason.  OK so maybe I know the reason and it may have had something to do with the ridiculous amount of time I spent making my blog to book from 2010 and 2011.  Guess I just needed a well-deserved break after all that work on our family books.  But I’m back now and I’m trying to catch up on some of the family stuff I’ve been making mental notes of for several months now.  For instance, I’ve totally been wanting to write this blog since December.  And it’s finally happening.

Coco’s prayers make me just want to eat him up.  Seriously.  I almost cry every night when he says his prayers before dinner and bedtime.  Before dinner about two months ago he asked to pray and this is what he said in his sweet little three year old voice with the slight lisp on his /s/ sounds…”Dear God.  We are blessed for this day.  Mom brings foods for us. AMEN.”   Everyday since then he has prayed that exact same prayer, word for word, every single time he prays.  MELT. MY. HEART.  I mean seriously.  This picture and this blog can’t even begin to do it justice.  “Mom bring FOODS for us.  Amen.”  It gets me every time.  This boy is non-stop, on the go, make you run, cry, laugh, and scream all day long. Then he stops every once in awhile and has moments like this.  And I never want to forget them.   This is also a new development around our house.  Emmy pushing Coco around the house in her baby stroller.  Honestly, I told them not to do it at first.  Then, I realized that if I gave them a blanket and pillow and went along with it that they would seriously play happily together doing this for at least 30 minutes.  Let’s just say I don’t tell them not to do it anymore.  Nope.  I just pull out my camera and take pictures of it now.  Because let’s be honest…it’s pretty darn cute.