Thunder Up Baby {A Birthday Story}

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Yep.  This happened.  4 adults.  2 adjoining hotel rooms.  8 kids under the age of 7.  One awesome weekend in Bricktown for a Thunder game and a VERY special birthday celebration for some very special boys.  Yep.  It happened.  And it was awesome.Quite a long time ago, my friend Emily and I were talking about the big boy’s birthdays and how we could NOT believe they were going to be seven.  We decided seven was a really special birthday and that we should do something totally fun and memorable to celebrate their birthdays instead of just doing birthday parties.  The final decision of what to do….take Easton and Ethan and two of their buddies to OKC to watch a Thunder game.  Well, the game was at 8:00 pm so of course we decided an overnighter was in order.  Yeah it was.  So we booked those adjoining rooms and we rocked all those kids in a hotel room.  We were very neighborly and observed all hotel rules at all times. Especially the number one rule which they reiterated OVER and OVER and OVER…..NO. BIRTHDAY PARTIES. IN. THE. HOTEL.  We weren’t quite sure what that meant so we were jut really careful to keep it quiet and respectful at all times.  As you can tell….
Little momma getting’ ready for a little pool time in the hotel.  She put her goggles on the second we walked in the room and didn’t take them off for one second.More being quiet and very respectful of our neighbors in the hotel.What is a princess to do with all these boys around?!?!Here is my lovely husband terrorizing the kids by coming in to tell them that the pool was broken and we weren’t going to be able to swim after all.  He’s cool like that.  He likes to terrorize young children….More terrorizing….We finally made it down to the pool where we had an awesome surprise!  My sister and two of her kiddos met us down at the pool.Coco giving Eli a little man hug action in the pool.  He loves it.  Can’t you tell?

Yep.  Totally loving the choke out action hug from Coco.
So the definite, DEFINITE highlight for the boys was jumping into the water and dunking on the rim in the pool.  This was totally allowed at the hotel.  Again, we are very respectful hotel guests at all times.Just a little muscle flexing action.

More cousin time…Coco and Eli getting a little basketball time in during the hotel stay.  I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again.  Hotels are knocking down our door for the Miller-Fritts crew to stay at their place.  VERY. RESPECTFUL. HOTEL. GUESTS.  That’s us. After dinner we cleaned up 8 kids in record time and headed over to the Thunder game where of course I could only get a few crappy shots with my iPhone that in NO WAY depict the level of fun that was had at the game.  The boys were rockstars and they had so much fun singing, dancing, and cheering for the Thunder! And here we are back in T-town for a little cake.  The cake was awesome.  It was beautiful.  I had it make special just for the trip.  Then these two little munchkins found forks and went after it before I got pictures.  OK, OK, and maybe the moms and dads on said trip also could not wait until the next day and dug into the cake before we took pictures as well.  All that to say, the cake was yummy.  I can’t blame them for not being able to wait.Thunder UP cake.  Just imagine it wasn’t half gone and totally ripped to shreds for this picture….All the birthday boys blowing out their candles.Raise your hand if you had so much fun……
I hope the boys will always remember this trip.  That was our goal.  To do something fun and memorable for their 7th birthdays.  I’d say we DEFINITELY accomplished it.  And the Hampton Inn Suites in Bricktown probably can’t wait to see us again next year.  (yeah right).