Good Family…Party of Five {Why Lifestyle Sessions Rock}

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This is baby Jack.  I’m allowed to use his name publicly on my blog because I can.   His mother and I go way back.  And by way back, I mean we were roommates in college.  And by roommates in college, I mean we shared a room the size of a small closet.  And by room the size of a small closet, I mean that my dad had to hand build bunk beds to go in said “room” and there was barely enough room to even walk around in the “room.”  Oh yes, and there was only one bathroom in the house so we shared that too, with our two other roommates.  And Bethany saved my life one day in said house but I refuse to tell that story because it may or may not incriminate me.   So all that to say…the fact that we were roommates and we have been friends for nearly 15 years, clearly allows me to use baby Jack’s name on my blog.

This what we photographers call a “lifestyle” session.  It’s where it is at in my humble opinion.  “Lifestyle” – in other words, no props, no plans, no highly edited pictures.  Just life.  Real life.  Not posed life.  It is what you will want to remember one day.  Believe me, my baby is about to turn ten years old.  THIS is what you will want to remember one day.  I hope that when you see these pictures, you get a glimpse into the Good family.  A family that I love dearly.  A family who is loving and giving and kind and loves to laugh.  Without further ado, I give you baby Jack and The Good Family…Party of FIVE.