Introducing Rhesa Storms

Sharing is caring!

You know it’s funny…when you are the youngest of three daughters, no matter how old you get, you will always want to grow up to be just like your big sisters.

Meet one of my big sisters – Rhesa Storms.  She’s pretty amazing.  She has a laugh that will light up a room.  She is intelligent and witty and beautiful and extremely talented.  I’ve been telling her for years that she needs to sell her photographs and thank goodness, I finally convinced her to join me on this journey of selling our pictures as print art for home design.  Rhesa lives in NYC with her husband and two kids and you can read more about her on her bio section of our shop page.  I just wanted to introduce Rhesa on the blog and tell you that you will not only be seeing more of her amazing work like this Volkswagen print and this Africa tree which are two of my absolute favorites, but you will also be hearing from her as well.  Rhesa will be adding the occasional blog post on cc&mike – sharing about travel, NYC musings, and much more.  Rhesa has affordable print art for sale in our shop section and her collections are as follows: Patterns, Japan, Dessert, California, NYC, Bridges of NYC, NYC square, and Amsterdam.  I’m trying to talk her into adding a Miami collection soon and she is always traveling the world so hopefully we will be seeing many more collections to come from Rhesa in the future.

Rhesa thank you for joining me on this journey and I can’t want to see and hear much more from you soon!!!

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