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Last Christmas was our first Christmas in our new house and our game room was sadly so, SO unChristmasified (yes that’s a word by the way because I just made it one)…BUT this year is a total different story thanks to Hayneedle. If you haven’t heard of Hayneedle, you are missing out and you should head on over there ASAP. They have a plethora of home goods that will rock your world AND their prices are so unbelievable. I’m going to do a different post altogether on all their furniture and modern home decor that I’m loving after the New Year but for now, I want to focus on their Christmas selection. I was literally blown away when I looked through Hayneedle’s website for holiday decor. They have one of the best selections of Christmas trees I’ve ever seen not to mention tons of garland, wreaths, and indoor AND outdoor Christmas decor.
We are enjoying our Hayneedle Christmas tree in our game room so very much. This is our FUN room. This is—as you will see at the bottom of this post—the place where we play games and laugh and make messes and host parties. This is where we will do our family tradition of opening Christmas pj’s on Christmas eve then each family member will open a new ornament for 2016 to put on the tree. This is where we make memories and special thanks to Hayneedle for helping us bring Christmas to our game room!
I know everyone is over Christmas decor right now but listen up! Hayneedle is having a huge sale on all their Christmas decor – 50 percent off so now is the time to stock up on Christmas for next year! At the bottom of my post, I am linking up to some of my favorite Hayneedle Christmas decor so you guys, take advantage of this sale!! I know I am planning to buy the amazing outdoor planters you will see below me I’m SOOOOO eyeing that 14 foot flocked Christmas tree (if only I can talk Mike Miller into it.)
Make sure you check out all the Hayneedle Christmas decor at the bottom of this post and take advantage of that 50 percent off sale!
You can also shop our Game Room look here. Our white coffee table from West Elm is on sale right now and it is so fun for a game room. Part of it lifts up and moves forward so that kids can bring plates of food and drinks toward them when they are sitting on the couch.

And here are some other products that make our game room a fun hang out. The air hockey/ping pong table duo is always a crowd pleaser.

This is the very special ornament that my sister gave Michael and I on our very first Christmas. This ornament is what started our tradition of having a “family Christmas tree.” Each year every person in our family gets a special ornament to open on Christmas eve and put on the tree. It usually corresponds to something monumental from their life that year so for instance, Easton has a truck from his second Christmas because he was obsessed with trucks and Emmy has a ballerina slipper from her fourth Christmas because that is the year she started dance. We also have an ornament to represent each house we’ve ever lived in. It’s so fun every year opening our special ornaments and putting them on the tree together.
We also have picture frames with pictures of our family throughout the year on our family Christmas tree.
And here is how you can find our game room most days. Full of kids and full of life and laughter. No, it’s not perfect from a design perspective. There’s a huge air hockey table in the middle of the room for goodness sake and I have a list a mile long of things I want to do to this room; but that’s OK. There is beauty even in the imperfect and the unfinished if only you are willing to look, I’ve decided, and there is definitely beauty to be found in our game room this Christmas. This is our second Christmas in this house and although our game room isn’t totally finished, THIS year we have a Christmas tree in our game room. THANK YOU HAYNEEDLE!
Oscar thinks the game room is his by the way. He thinks he totally owns the place and pouts if he doesn’t get his way.
Here are some of my favorite Hayneedle Christmas products but make sure you head over to the website and have a look around because they have SO much more.
First of all, I’m dying over these pre lit planters and am planning to buy these during the sale for my front porch next year.
I also am swooning over this 14 foot flocked Christmas tree and during the 50 percent off sale is definitely the time to buy this beauty.
And here are some other beautiful Holiday decor items from Hayneedle.