Baller, Shot Caller {Part II}

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And I’m back to blogging.  I guess after all that blogging and finishing of my 2010 and 2011 blog to books, I needed a little…ok a LONG break.  But leave it to some basketball to get me back in the mood to crank out a blog.  I love me some basketball.  I LOVE me some basketball.  And I love that my little man is lovin’ him some basketball.  It is amazing to see how much these boys have improved since playing on their little Upwards team last year.  These boys are really starting to play some ball.  And just so you know, I am not that annoying mom who yells way too loudly and brings an obnoxiously large camera to the games and camps out right underneath the goal and shouts LOUDLY while simultaneously snapping a million pictures with a 70-200mm zoom lens.  No, not at all.  I would never do that.  (Side note….Easton you will forgive me for your embarrassment some day when you are married and have kids.  You will then thank me for the millions of pictures I took of you when you were little.  Or at least you better). So without further ado….my little baller.

undefinedundefinedundefinedI love this series.  He steals it.  He dribbles down.  He takes it down.  And he scores!undefined
undefinedundefinedThe “twins” as we like to call them (yes, they get asked ALL the time if they are brothers.  I can’t imagine why.  Um, didn’t it stop being cool to dress in matching outfits with your best friend in like, um, middle school???  just sayin’ boys.)undefinedAnother series of him taking the ball down and going for a layup.
undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedHuddle time.   GO THUNDER!undefinedJust a little sideline talk from the coach.  Not sure what that position he is demonstrating is about?  Hopefully it’s the demonstration of a good defensive stance.  The only other thing I can come up with is something I probably shouldn’t post on a blog.  You can probably use your imagination though.undefinedPep talk from coach dad.undefinedundefinedThunder 2011.undefined
Cool guy pose Thunder 2011 picture.undefinedOh, what’s that you ask?  What does Coco do during the games?  So glad you asked.  Exhibit A.  He tackles poor unsuspecting children and tries to take away their basketballs.  It’s fun times, no doubt.undefinedYes, see….doesn’t this child look like he’s having so much fun while my child attacks him?undefinedStill having fun?  I don’t know…the poor kid looks a little scared to me.  I can’t imagine why.  I better intervene and save him before someone is bleeding.undefinedOh the drama.  Mommy made me stop attacking the boy to try to steal his basketball.  I have a horrible life.  I think I will run to the middle of the floor and stick my butt up in the air and pout.  Yes, that will be fun.undefinedThen when I am done pouting I will scream bloody murder and rub my face in the ground.  That will show mom to stop me from attacking other children at big brother’s basketball game.  Oh Coco.  Let’s just leave it at this.  MOMMY CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU TAKE THE FLOOR IN A FEW YEARS . undefined