Custom Built Home – Coastal Modern Estate

custom built home

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We are so excited to give you a little sneak peek into an amazing custom built home – a Coastal Modern Estate – that Mike Miller spent the last year working on. We also thought this would be a great opportunity to announce that CC and Mike are officially offering custom built homes, home remodeling, and home renovation, modern home design services, as well as construction consulting.  You can read more about our services here.

Here is what the homeowners said about working with Mike Miller on this project:

“We have such a deep appreciation for Mike Miller. He brought incredible ideas and great solutions into our build project. Without his expertise and knowledge, we would not have the caliber of home we are now enjoying. Mike is easy to work with, and he understands the value of quality work at a fair price. We would highly recommend him to anyone.” – George and Rachel Monks.

Thank you so much, George and Rachel, for letting us be a part of this project and for allowing us inside your gorgeous home!

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You can shop this kitchen look here. Paint Colors are Benjamin Moore Swiss Coffee and Dovetail Gray.



Shop this living room look here.


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You can shop this dining area look here.





