Coco Plays Ball {FINALLY}

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Still getting caught up on the family blog.  Coco FINALLY got to play baseball this summer!!!  He’s been waiting for his turn for 3 LONG years.  And this summer he finally got it.  Clearly he was ALL.  SMILES.  about it.Getting ready for the games is always interesting with Coco.  He is so excited to play you can barely get him to hold still long enough to get him dressed.  Exhibit A….  Just flexing some muscles and showing us the eye of the tiger.
Warming up for the game….And it’s time to get down to business!!   GAME FACE.Yes, that is his left hand he is throwing the baseball with.  Not gonna lie, daddy (and even mommy) is pretty excited about this….One of my absolute favorite pictures of all time.  EVER.So there you have it….Coco’s first of many baseball seasons.  This kid is an absolute blast to watch.  I love his fire.  I love his passion.  I love his intensity.  I love him.