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I am finally sharing one of our favorite places in our home—and one of my top recommendations for people asking for custom building ideas—our PREP KITCHEN! Thanks to Faith at Completely Organized Tulsa, our prep kitchen is finally organized and ready to share. If you are looking for someone to help you get organized, give Faith a call! Check out the before and after pictures in othis blog post to see how Faith helped me take our prep kitchen from a hot mess, to perfectly organized and ready to share with you guys.
So what is a prep kitchen you ask? Well, it is an area right around the corner from our actual kitchen that we use on the regular. Basically, it is where we make our messes so that my actual kitchen stays clean. It’s where I prep for meals. It’s where I prep for parties. It’s where I cut flowers and do arrangements for parties and home tours. It is where my kids make their lunches. Let me repeat that…IT IS WHERE MY KIDS MAKE THEIR LUNCHES, and it is a beautiful beautiful place that I would highly recommend to anyone who is custom designing and building a home. The prep kitchen is, quite simply put, one of my top 3 favorite things—if not the favorite thing—about the latest home we designed and built.
If you are interested in having a prep kitchen in your home, just talk to your architect and builder when you are in the design process. Prep kitchens can be as simple as a small area around a corner with room for snacks and a little countertop area, to an entire functional kitchen with an oven, sink, and fridge, which is what we did in our prep kitchen.
You can shop all my favorite kitchen and prep kitchen products here.

Here is another custom home—one of Mike Miller’s projects—where you can see another version of a prep kitchen. Right around the corner from the main kitchen is a smaller kitchen area with a sink, small fridge, cabinets, and countertop space.
Here are some shots of the Millers doing real life in our prep kitchen—making messes on the daily! HA! But my favorite part is that my kitchen stays nice and pretty and ready for company even though our prep kitchen might be a disaster.
Here are the super embarrassing before shots of the disorganization and chaos in our prep kitchen cabinets. Thanks to Faith at Completely Organized Tulsa, they now look amazing and are organized to perfection!
Look at that gorgeous organization in the after shots. Thank you Faith!
Hope you enjoyed checking out our prep kitchen and hearing how we use it in every day life. If you have a custom building project coming up, I would definitely recommend talking to your architect and builder about incorporating a prep kitchen into your home!