Sharing is caring!
We rocked a skate party for little momma’s 7th bday at Route 66 Rollerdome. It was rowdy. It was fun. It was a PARTY that I think she won’t soon forget. This little momma is loved by many and we all definitely had a blast celebrating her!!!Can I just take this opportunity to say that I’m obsessed with Cookiedoodle in Jenks. Check out these party favor cookies they made!!!
The birthday girl! She’s in a “peace sign” phase when I take her pictures. It’s awesome (please note sarcasm).
Coco was….well….typical Coco. He was out of control and was literally dripping sweat within the first 15 minutes. It was pretty entertaining to say the least to watch him.
Birthday girl with her Peepaw. He even skated with her. SO SWEET!
On your mark, get set, go!!!!
The girls!!!
More of the girls!!! Such a sassy, fun, cute bunch!!!
Love this!!!
Conga line!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate and helped make her feel so loved and special!!!