Halloween Mom Insanity Recap – Hope You Survived It

CC & Mike Halloween Mom Insanity Recap - Hope You Survived It 9

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Did you happen to read my blog post on Halloween Mom Insanity?   Well, I’ll have you know that I was right on point with Reason #10 that Halloween drives moms to lose their minds.  Per the norm, my kids—especially Emmy—have already started talking about their costumes for next year.  Seriously?  Do we really have to talk about something that is 364 days away?  Emmy wants to be a “bride” next year apparently, which means she saw someone with that costume on last night and it was jaw-droppingly beautiful.  I have a sneaking suspicion I know who it was and trust me, I can NOT recreate this amazingness; I’m destined for failure. I keep trying to kind of ignore it  but she’s not letting up.   She wants a full on commitment to her being a “bride” for Halloween 2017 and I’m pretty sure she wants me to sign a contract in my own blood or something.

Let’s see…what else do I need to say to recap Hallowen 2016?  Well, I thought this was the year that I could cross the #8 Reason that causes Halloween Mom Insanity off the list but nope.  We didn’t get through the whole experience of getting dressed without someone throwing a meltdown fit.  Now I don’t want to name names and single anyone out but it was Cohen.  The ratting of the hair for his Tarzan look just didn’t sit well with him.  He flipped out, said I was hurting him, then told me that “it looked HORRIBLE and stupid,” followed by running away and hiding in the guest room for approximately 10 minutes.  So this wasn’t our year to cross #8 off the list of reasons that Halloween causes me to go insane but maybe next year is our year.  I really don’t understand what his problem was by the way.  I mean if my mom dressed me up in her own cheetah print dress and ratted my hair and smudged brown makeup all over my face, I would have a great attitude about it. Fortunately, princess unicorn and Batman were extremely cooperative and can dress themselves so we were only 1 for 3 this year on costume meltdowns.  I’m choosing to look at the positive though…1 out of 3 Halloween meltdowns is an improvement for sure.  I’m liking my odds for next year being the year that we go 0 for 3.

PS…that Tarzan costume is freaking adorable isn’t it?  Clearly he doesn’t appreciate my ingenuity with using my own cheetah print dress but one day he will thank me for my creativity.


This kills me.  This moment that I captured (pictured below) just totally sums my three kids up perfectly.  Easton, the oldest – doing what he’s supposed to be doing and somewhat oblivious to everything that’s going on around him.  Cohen – the youngest, NOT doing what he’s supposed to be doing and chasing a daddy long leg to smash it with his Tarzan stick.  Emmy, the middle – bossing Cohen around and mothering him.  This is a direct quote, “NO STOP IT COHEN!  Did you know that daddy long legs are important for the environment because they kill dangerous spiders.  DO. NOT. KILL. THAT. DADDY. LONG. LEGS.”  Cohen proceeds to smash the heck out of the daddy long legs with his Tarzan stick despite Emmy’s desperate plea.  Sounds about right.

OK also on a side note…one of the themes this year was that two of my kids were super upset because people didn’t know what their costumes were.  Apparently everyone kept calling Cohen “Bam Bam” and he was NOT happy about it at all.  He was downright ticked off if I’m being honest.  “WHY does everyone keep calling me Bam Bam?  Who is Bam Bam?  Why don’t they know I am Tarzan?” he kept asking.  Clearly this was a mom fail on my part.  I would like to reference #7 on my Halloween mom insanity post – “Their costume idea will somehow become your fault if it doesn’t turn out the way they expected.”  He has wanted to be Tarzan for 4 months by the way, ever since he saw the movie, but when people thought he was Bam Bam instead of Tarzan?  TOTALLY  my fault.  Of course.   Emmy on the other hand, people thought she was a flamingo dancer or Broadway dancer or a fairy and one person even asked if she was “Mother Nature”.  Um excuse me?  Mother Nature?  Clearly that is a unicorn horn on her head.

I’ve decided next year they are wearing signs that specify exactly what they are to avoid any more confusion. I don’t really understand why people can’t interpret my costumes that I created 48 hours before Halloween by going into my closet and pulling out some random fur vests and a cheetah print dress.  Like I said, next year they are wearing signs.

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OK so I kid and I like to laugh about the insanity because that is what I do.  Life is SO much more fun when you make fun of yourself and laugh at the craziness I’ve decided.  So no, it wasn’t all perfect but all in all, it was probably one of our best Halloweens yet.  It IS getting easier.  The meltdowns are getting smaller and shorter, AND we didn’t lose a kid this Halloween so that’s a positive.  Next year, I’m vying for all family matching costumes.  I saw some Scooby Doo and Gardians of the Galaxy AND Star Wars matching family costumes that were just too cute.  I mean if it’s going to be my fault that everyone’s costumes are a failure, I might as well choose them don’t you think?

Last but not least, our neighborhood is ridiculous fun when it comes to Halloween.  The first Halloween we spent in our neighborhood was 8 years ago and that is when we decided to move there.  We have food trucks, fire trucks, a parade, haunted houses in garages, a decorated golf cart extravaganza, and their are houses that give out full-sized candy bars.  It’s a fun time for sure.  So HAPPY HALLOWEEN from the Miller’s.  Hope yours was absolutely amazing and I hope your kids aren’t already talking about their costumes for next year.

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I’ve had several people contact me and ask about the shoes me and my bestie—Brady of Brady Barber Designs (aka Cleopatra)— are wearing in this pic.  They are Coconut Matisse from Nordstrom and are on sale for 40 percent off right now so I had to source them for you.  Here you go!  Along with a few other cute pics like the Tom’s you see my friend Lori has on.

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