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It seems like just yesterday you were this precious little girl. The one with the ridiculously cute brown curls and the pink Baby Bambini glasses. You talked in the sweetest little high-pitched nasal voice and liked to dress up in little mermaid costumes and sing that Ariel song everywhere you went. You were precious then.
And you are absolutely precious now. More grown up. Even more beautiful on the outside AND inside. You have the sweetest, kindest heart. You are a good friend, a good sister, and the most amazing daughter. Sometimes I just look at you and think “What in the world did I do to deserve this gift?!” I thank God for you each and every day. I feel so amazingly blessed that I get to be your mother. (Photo by the amazing Bethany Good Photography).
Here’s some of your favorite things at the age of SEVEN. You love your friends. And you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to dress up with them in about a million costumes a day and do any type of cheer or dance that you guys come up with. It is straight comedy hour pretty much ALL THE TIME.
You LOVE babies. You love to hold them. You love to read to them. You love to babysit them. You are SUCH a little momma.
Ok so you DON’T love taking risks and being adventurous. You are a little bit more like your daddy then your momma and I LOVE that. You like to think things through and be cautious. I am praying that this serves you well as a teenager and that you will be EXACTLY like your daddy and NOT like your momma. (PLEASE GOD I PRAY). But what I love about you….I love that even though you are scared, when I encourage you to face your fears and give something a try, you take a deep breath, nod your head, and you go for it! I LOVE that about you. You are COURAGEOUS even when you are afraid. This is you kneeboarding for the first time this summer at the lake.
You love colorful glasses. You love colorful outfits. You have an eye for putting cute things together which definitely didn’t come from me but I love that about you!
You LOVE music. You LOVE to sing. You remember every word to every song and sing ALL. THE. TIME. This is us at the T. Swift concert with our friends Laura and Maddy. We danced and sang our hearts out and it was a blast.
You LOVE to dance. I’m gonna repeat that. You LOVE to dance. Here you are dancing with your brother at a wedding. Holy preciousness.
You love cuddling. You have and always will be a cuddler. You get this from your daddy.
More dancing…with daddy this time in the rv at a tailgate. Just two stepping your little heart out. Did I mention that you love to dance?More dancing. With all your friends at Tippi Toes which is your dance class you do after school this year. You LOVE it.
Just being sassy. This would be an example of an outfit you totally put together by yourself. Leopard tights with an OSU cheerleading outfit?!? WHY NOT! You put this stuff together all the time and totally pull it off! I love your little sense of style.
You LOVE OSU games. OK maybe not the game but you love hanging out with you friends before and after the games.
You are the sweetest, sassiest thing. You are ALL GIRL. You love to paint your nails and wear pretty outfits. You asked me to do your hair like this for pictures. I wasn’t so sure about the “bump” you asked for but once again, it looked totally adorable.
You are in 1st grade and you LOVE school. You are a star student and an excellent reader. You LOVE to read and one of your favorite things about school is that you get to read to the Kidnergarten students.
I told you that you love the OSU games. Especially seeing your friends!
You have and always will be our sunshine. Your precious smile and those sweet little dimples are the light of our lives. I am so proud to be your mom. HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY LITTLE MOMMA!!!!!
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