Happy Birthday Easton {I have an EIGHT year old?!?!}

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So a few weeks ago, my oldest “baby” turned 8 years old.  I can hardly believe it.  This kid changed my world.  He made my life complete the first time I held him in my arms.  He made me a mother.  I was so happy, so proud on that day eight years ago.  And eight years later, he is still making me so happy and so very, very proud.  I look at him and I see the young man that he is and the man that he will become.   And I am blown away.   He has a big heart.  He cares more about others then he does about himself.  He has an engineers mind just like his D-Dad and his dad.  He loves to build things.  He will spend hours putting together the most complex Lego set with thousands of tiny pieces then bring it to me when he is done with the biggest smile on his face.  He is a good friend.  He gets along with everyone.  He is smart.  He is kind to others.  He is a good big brother.  He is a peacemaker.  He is all these things and so much more.  Sometimes I just sit back and look at him and think “Why me?”  “What did I do to deserve such an amazing gift?”  I have no idea what the answer is but I do know this….I will thank God everyday for him.  This precious baby boy who isn’t so much a baby anymore.  But to his mom, even when he’s 6 feet 6 inches tall, he will always, always be my baby boy.  I love you Easton Wade.  Happy Eighth Birthday.