How to Marinate Grilled Chicken


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So we just got back from Orlando (look for more blog posts coming from our “We are the Miller’s cross country RV roadtrip to Harry Potter world coming soon) and much to our surprise, it’s warmer in Oklahoma than it was in Florida. WHAT? That has me all excited about grilling out and spending some time by the pool so I thought I would share a post on How to Marinate Grilled chicken in case you are in the mood for some outdoor cooking as well.  Years ago I went to a friend’s house for dinner and I had the yummiest grilled chicken ever.  I asked her the secret and she said, “It’s easy! Just marinate it overnight in Italian Dressing.”  I mean how easy is that? So here is a little step by step guide of what I do when we marinate chicken this way.

What you will need – chicken breasts, sea salt, large bottle of Italian dressing, and a pounder thingy – is that called a mallet? I’m not exactly sure what that thing is but you need one.


2. Set the chicken out and sprinkle with a bit of sea salt.


Use the mallet to pound out the chicken and make it thinner (this helps it absorb the dressing marinade).  Make sure to flip the chicken over and do it on both sides. I usually cover the with wax paper.

Pour the entire bottle of Italian dressing over the chicken.


Cover and marinate over night.


Grill. Yes that’s all I’m going to say here because I have no clue what advice to give on grilling since Mike Miller is the grill master in our family.  If you’re looking for some other quick and easy recipes to try, check out our Four Ingredient Chicken Salad Recipe another favorite is our Homemade Cookie cake recipe.  You can also check out all our other recipes in the Lifestyle section of our blog, under food. Hope you guys enjoy this little marinating trick on how to marinate grilled chicken the easy way as much as our family has!

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