Grammy J’s Zucchini Bread Recipe

Grammy J's Zuchinni Bread Recipe best homemade bread recipes-2

Per your requests we are posting Grammy J’s Zucchini bread recipe!  We hope you are all staying at home and staying healthy.  I don’t know about you but we have been enjoying some serious time in the kitchen together as a family.  If you missed our stories last night, Emmy came up with an idea […]

Best Feta Bean Dip Recipe


Several years ago, a friend of mine brought the best feta bean dip I had ever had on the boat with us when we went to the lake. Ever since then, it has been a summer staple around our house and I’m not afraid to make it throughout the year either. For some reason, it is especially good on a hot Oklahoma summer day, when you’re sitting in the boat listening to Zack Brown Band sing “Toes” and sipping a beverage. Ok maybe that was too far for a recipe post. Can anyone tell I’m ready for summer and the first boating day of the year this coming weekend? You can guarantee that I will be making some feta bean dip to take with us and with Memorial Day Weekend coming up, I thought this would be the perfect recipe to share.