Mommy Daughter Bonding Time

Sharing is caring!

Michael and I were having this discussion last night about Emmy getting “the shaft” because not only is she our middle child, she is also our least demanding child. She is so sweet and content to just go with the flow and play whatever Easton wants or do whatever is needing to be done for Cohen at the time. I have been wanting to get some special time with just her and today I got that chance. Grammy J came over and hung out with the boys so that I could take Emmy to her first mommy-daughter pedicure. It was so much fun! (Apart from the scary Korean, or was it Chinese?? lady who kept talking really loudly in a foreign language, pausing only to shout “HOLD STILL. HOLD STILL. YOU HOLD STILL.” at Emmy. Seriously lady? She’s TWO!) Here are some pictures from our day. If anyone is wanting to do a mommy-daughter pedicure, they have the perfect set-up at Serenity Nails in Jenks. They have fun little chairs that have private DVD players so they can watch a movie while they get their pedicure.