Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books

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With it being Valentine’s Day this week, I thought it would be fun to highlight my debut novel, Magnetic, and talk about Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books. I know, I know, you thought this was just a design blog. Nope, it sure isn’t. It’s my little corner of the world to create and in case you didn’t know, there is nothing I love more than to create a world of characters, to spill out words onto a page that weave together to tell a riveting story. Yes, I love to write, and in September I self-published my debut novel — Magnetic. Magnetic is a Young Adult mystery/romance that tells the story of Elle Christiansen, a troubled young teen struggling to cope in the aftermath of an unsolved violent crime—her mother’s murder.

But Magnetic is not just a mystery, it’s a captivating love story and I would love to introduce you to a new teen and young adult power couple—Maverick and Elle!

Elle Christiansen, the heroine of Magnetic, is forced to move to Oklahoma to live with an aunt she has never met after her rebellious behavior leads to her father losing his job at their small-town Ohio church. Here she encounters her aunt’s neighbor—Maverick Mason, the quietly confident son of a wealthy oil tycoon who she is drawn to in an inexplicable way she finds both frightening and exhilarating.

Once in Oklahoma—where her mother was raised—Elle is forced to face not only the demons of her past, but her mother’s and grandmother’s pasts as well. Together, Maverick and Elle begin to uncover decades of lies, greed, corporate corruption, and even murder. As they continue to unlock the secrets of Elle’s tortured past, they realize that perhaps their fates are intertwined and unless they solve her mother’s murder, Elle will undoubtedly suffer the same fate.

Maverick and Elle’s relationship is complicated, relentless, challenging, tumultuous, wild, undeniable, fierce, and above all else—passionate. Their love story is interwoven with an unraveling mystery, puzzling twists and turns, and a gripping pace that will leave you turning pages until you get to the end! Hopefully, along the way you will fall in love with Maverick and Elle’s love story like so many other readers have (see some of the reviews below)!

If you are looking for  Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books to read, I would be so honored if you would give Magnetic a try and I think you will fall in love with Maverick and Elle’s love story!

Buy Magnetic

Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books best new YA couples book flat lay ideas best YA book covers best new YA couples maverick and elle romance like Edward and BellaPopular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books best new YA couples book flat lay ideas best YA book covers-1

Here is what people are saying about Magnetic and more importantly, what they are saying about Maverick and Elle! If you haven’t read this book yet and you love learning about popular new Young Adult Mystery Romance books—trust me, you are going to want to pick up Magnetic and see why people are reading it in 24 hours and completely falling in love with Maverick and Elle’s love story!

“I started and finished this book in one day – I simply could not put it down!!! The author did an incredible job of crafting a captivating storyline with remarkable characters.” – Amazon Review

“From the moment I started this book I couldn’t put it down. I was immediately captivated by the characters and the way the author, Carissa, writes. The mystery written within this captivating love story was enticing and thrilling. You will not be disappointed, you’ll only be sad when the book is over…like I am right now!” – Amazon Review
“I haven’t read an entire book in over 10 years. I found myself entranced and finished Magnetic in 3 days. So glad to have found this book!”
“Love CC Miller’s debut book!! From page one to the very end. My husband had to ask me to put my iPad away at night, I didn’t want to set it down. Fell in love with Elle and her struggle to find herself amidst finding out the truth about what happened to her mom. And Maverick!! Swoon! Not since Edward (twilight), have I fallen for the male lead. This is a must read!! Can wait to see what is next.”
If you want to see why readers are comparing Maverick and Elle’s love story to Edward and Bella’s and saying words like “captivated from page one,” and “I read it in one day,” and “I couldn’t put it down,” you can buy Magnetic here. If you read it and love it, I would appreciate it so much if you would help me spread the word by simply telling all your family and friends about Magnetic, posting it on your social media channels with the link to buy, and leaving reviews on Amazon and Goodreads!

If you are looking for Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books, I hope you will check out Magnetic!  See why readers are giving Magnetic rave reviews such as this:

Customer reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars

Top customer reviews

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

The story is well-written. It is about a 17 year old girl who has had a long time of revisiting the same traumatic experience (witnessing her mother’s death) over and over again in her dreams and how she finally learns the why, who, what of her own family history (and the memory) along with help from her knight in shining armor.

The story takes place in Ohio and Oklahoma. I will say I was very glad there was not any graphic sexual encounters or anything. If you are looking for books for your older teen daughter, I would say, with caution, this is maybe on the same level as Twilight with romantic situations…and probably even less so. It has been many years since I read those. Just trying to help parents of teens discern the content without reading it. The male lead in the book generally acts about 10 years older than he is, but I recall being a teen and that was completely the type of boy I would have been attracted to (oh, wait, I married mine nearly 14 years ago and counting). So, I can see this appealing to teens and up.”

The storyline is quite excellent and I had a really hard time putting it down and going to bed. That said, I may have stayed up reading until 2am for 3 nights in a row. It really was THAT good. I laughed out loud and cried out loud, so that will tell you how involved a reader gets in the story. I always like a good plot twist and this provided plenty of ability to think and try to analyze and predict the situations (adding to suspense and the fact that I am now incredibly sleep-deprived.
Magnetic is not only a Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books but it is proving to be a crossover novel, enjoyed by young teens, teens, young adults and even older adults.
 “It has been a while since I have found a book that I have loved and didnt‘ want to put down and this has become a fast fave of mine! I could not put it down and was able to finish this in a 24 hour time span… it was THAT good!!! The writing in this book is stellar, I fell in love with the characters, and every page left me wanting more. This would be a great book for teens and adults alike. You will not be disappointed with this great read!”

Thank you so much and if you are looking for Popular New Teen and Young Adult Mystery Romance Books to read, I hope you will consider Magnetic! For more information about the sequel to Magnetic and to stay up to date on what is happening with CC and Mike and crew, please subscribe to our blog  for updates!