Several years ago, a friend of mine brought the best feta bean dip I had ever had on the boat with us when we went to the lake.  I asked her for the recipe after I took the very first bite.  Ever since then, it has been a summer staple around our house and I’m not afraid to make it throughout the year either.  For some reason, it is especially good on a hot Oklahoma summer day, when you’re sitting in the boat listening to Zack Brown Band sing “Toes” and sipping a beverage.  Ok maybe that was too far for a recipe post.  Can anyone tell I’m ready for summer and the first boating day of the year this coming weekend?  You can guarantee that I will be making some feta bean dip to take with us and with Memorial Day Weekend coming up, I thought this would be the perfect quick and easy recipe to share.

I can taste that perfect blend of vinegar, feta cheese, and that sweet corn already.  I know it sounds crazy but just do yourself a favor and try this dip out.  You can thank me later.  Oh and I’m feeling so tech-savvy with this new blog redo and am adding printable recipes so feel free to print the recipes off and add them to your collection.  This feta bean dip is a great quick and easy recipe to add to the repertoire.  Everyone enjoy their holiday weekend.

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Feta Bean Dip
Print Recipe
Perfect for your next summer party, trip to the pool, or lake.
Servings Prep Time
12 people 15 min
Servings Prep Time
12 people 15 min
Feta Bean Dip
Print Recipe
Perfect for your next summer party, trip to the pool, or lake.
Servings Prep Time
12 people 15 min
Servings Prep Time
12 people 15 min
Servings: people
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