Recreational Vehicle aka R.V. {A Before & After Story}

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We are the Miller’s and we have a Recreational Vehicle.  That’s right – we roll Cousin Eddy style.

There is a long story behind our R.V. that involves Michael’s dad who we lost to cancer 4 1/2 years ago but that is a different post altogether.  For now, I just wanted to share our “Flip that R.V.” story.   Let me sum it up like this, Michael has been asking me to take the R.V. to Yellowstone for years and I’ve been asking him to let me redo the R.V. and make it “homier” and more “livable” for years.  We were at an impasse shall we say.  I wasn’t budging.  He wasn’t budging.  Four years passed.  Finally we had “the talk” and decided it was time to do that beautiful thing that all marriages must do if they are going to work…meet in the middle.  So after 5 years of using our R.V. mainly for football games and one glorious kid-free trip to Nashville, we decided to meet in the middle…I would go to Yellowstone if he would let me “flip that R.V.”

Here’s the deal, the R.V was great before but if I’m going to take this baby cross country, I needed it to feel like a home.  I’ve had this beautiful picture in my head of how amazing it could look after a trip to Lowe’s and IKEA and some good old elbow grease.  I FINALLY got Michael on board.  It wasn’t perfect.  There was sweat, lots of sweat.  There were some slightly raised voices (ok maybe some borderline yelling but only once) and adult beverages were necessary at a few points and I almost got kicked out of Lowe’s and a nice furniture store called I.O. Metro because of my kid’s behavior.  Yes, there was weeping.  There was gnashing of teeth.  No, literally.  There was gnashing of teeth because the kids got braces two days into our project and WOW, was I completely unprepared for the level of neediness that is involved with a 7 and 9 year old getting braces.   Oh, and just to set the stage completely for our R.V. redo, I had been out of town on a girl’s trip to Napa and didn’t get back until 6 days before we left on our trip so we were in a bit of a time crunch.  Really, I feel like that was just smart planning on my part because I know that my husband and I both work best under pressure.  That’s what I’m telling myself at least.  So all that to say….no, it definitely wasn’t perfect, but when we wiped that sweat off then sat back and saw what we had accomplished and more importantly, we saw the smiles on everyone’s faces and the excitement about taking this home on wheels to go explore the country, it was so worth it.  SO. WORTH. IT.  C.C. is happy.  Daddy is happy and as you can see, the kiddos are definitely happy.  So without further ado, I give you “Flip that R.V.” – Miller style.  Here is what our R.V. use to look like {BEFORE PICTURES} Fotor0729134132 And drumroll please… is what it looks like now {THE AFTER PICTURES} I have to give a special shout out to my mom, Elane Crosby, who was so kind to sew the curtains for me.  I also have to thank my loving husband for doing this project with me and mostly for still wanting to drive it cross country with me when we got through.  I also have to thank my two partners in crime in everything I do, Molly Wilson and Brady Barber.  Molly for being just as crazy last minute as I am, always, and being willing to jump in the car with me and drive to Dallas, convince Richard to let us buy the floor model of the sleeper sofa we found that was perfect but sold out everywhere, breaking it down, putting it on two carts and pushing it at least two miles through IKEA, then renting a U-Haul and dragging it back to Tulsa with us.  Brady Barber for coming to hang out and help me put IKEA chairs together and just always being my sounding board for any and all crazy ideas I have, including the infamous “Home Sweet Home” pillow.  I would like to conclude this post by apologizing to anyone who might have seen me and my crew around T-town in the last 6 days.  I’m pretty sure I.O. Metro, Lowe’s, Marshall’s, and Target, are going to need handwritten apologies.  I’m also pretty sure that you know why but just in case you need a reminder, I’m confident this will jog your memory. collage1collage2 Couch – IKEA Karlstaad Couch Pillows – I.O. Metro , Marshalls Curtains – West Elm Bedding – West Elm, Target, Marshalls Rug – Marshall’s foot stools – Target