Easy Honey Maple Garlic Shrimp

We are so excited to share another family favorite recipe with you guys — Easy Honey Maple Garlic Shrimp!
Quick and Easy Recipes – Hamburger Soup

I’m going to give it to you straight — this recipe isn’t winning any culinary awards or anything like that but you know what, there is something to be said for quick and easy recipes that your kids will eat like this Hamburger Soup. My mom always made this soup when I was growing up […]
Quick and Easy Crock-pot Recipes – White Chicken Chili

Let’s be honest, we can all use as many quick and easy recipes for the Crock-pot as we can find, especially if they are healthy like this White Chicken Chili recipe! My friend gave me her tried and true White Chicken Chili recipe and I have since made some of my own additions to come […]
Healthy Baked Oatmeal Recipe

I mean who doesn’t love a recipe that is healthy AND delicious? Check out this healthy baked oatmeal recipe. It’s one of our faves.
Quick and Easy Sausage Rice Casserole (And a little Life with Coco Story)

So I’m still recovering from our San Francisco getaway and by recovering I mean that I have 72 loads of laundry that are locked in my laundry room while I’m in here writing this blog about a sausage rice casserole recipe, trying to pretend like that laundry doesn’t exist.
Healthy Pork Carnitas Recipe

Ok so I said I was trying to get back on the eating and meal planning bandwagon and I’m sticking to it with these pork carnitas. My sister in law told me about this recipe a year or so ago and it has become a go to favorite. It’s healthy, its easy, and it feeds a ton of people.
Best Chicken Artichoke Dip Recipe

I’m just gonna leave this chicken artichoke dip recipe right here and you can thank me later. I mean, you know that anything that has a 1/2 pound of Havarti cheese in it is just going to be darn delicious, and trust me, this dip does not disappoint.
Best Feta Bean Dip Recipe

Several years ago, a friend of mine brought the best feta bean dip I had ever had on the boat with us when we went to the lake. Ever since then, it has been a summer staple around our house and I’m not afraid to make it throughout the year either. For some reason, it is especially good on a hot Oklahoma summer day, when you’re sitting in the boat listening to Zack Brown Band sing “Toes” and sipping a beverage. Ok maybe that was too far for a recipe post. Can anyone tell I’m ready for summer and the first boating day of the year this coming weekend? You can guarantee that I will be making some feta bean dip to take with us and with Memorial Day Weekend coming up, I thought this would be the perfect recipe to share.