THIRTY is my number

Sharing is caring!

So today I turn thirty. I am not going to lie…..I have been dreading this a little bit. My friend Kassidy says, “Our thirties are going to be the best years of our lives. We’re done having kids. We can get our bodies back! We can start doing things for ourselves again.” I have spent the last 5 years of my life either pregnant or breastfeeding. With Easton and Emmy, I was pregnant or breastfeeding for 37 months straight….WOW! Needless to say, the last half of my twenties have definitely not been about ME. Kassidy is right….my thirties are going to be more about me and doing some fun things I haven’t been able to do for a long time (girls trips, family trips, trips with my hubby, NO breastfeeding, NO pregnancy, trips with my sisters, NO pregnancy and NO BREASTFEEDING…Oh wait, did I already say that?) So I found myself wondering this morning, “WHY AM I STILL STRUGGLING WITH TURNING THIRTY?!?!” Then it hit me….AGE IS JUST A NUMBER. Yes, we have heard it said a million times before, but it really sunk in and I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Who cares how old I am? What matters is that I am “young at heart” and I think I am a young at heart kind of person. I love life and I love to live life to the fullest! And if you love life and choose to find the joy out of life no matter what, then your life is not defined by age! I do choose to love life, to find the joy in EVERY stage of life, and to have F-U-N at all times! The truth is….you can be 80 years old but act like a 20 year old and you can be 20 years old and act like an 80 year old. That is why age truly is “just a number.” So thirty is my “number” from now on. But whether my number is thirty, or forty, or fifty, or eighty….I choose to always be young at heart and to find the joy in life. So goodbye twenties….you have been a lot of fun. College, marriage, grad school, three babies, and numerous amazing, life-long friendships are what my twenties brought me. Hello thirties….I look forward to the amazing things you will bring my way. So let’s get this party started! Here are just a few of the many blessings I was given during my twenties…..

Easton Wade Miller – March 15, 2005

Emerson Grace Miller – October 30, 2006

Cohen Crosby Miller – March 5, 2009

Married my first love. My high school sweetheart. My one and only love. September 27, 2002

Miller Party of THREE.

Miller….Party of FOUR

Miller….Party of Four and a half

Miller…Party of FIVE.

SIX nieces and nephews (and one more on the way but he or she will be a gift in my thirties. 🙂The most amazing friends anyone could ask for…..the baseball “girlfriends” (as we were in college) and now we are the baseball wives….Meredith and Lauren.

More baseball wives….Natalie, Sandra, me, and Lauren

Lifeline girls (minus Kenna who was out of town). Yes this was an 80’s themed New Years Party which is why we all look ridiculous.
Lauren, Stacee, and me….more baseball wives 🙂 I took SO many road trips with these girls. FUN TIMES! Stacee….remember driving the ‘Scort and Honda all over the place….Nebraska, Texas, Missouri, etc…?!?!

BELOW: Me, Bethany, and Cori. OK, so Cori was a gift in my TEENS when we met life-guarding at Southern Hills Country Club but she introduced me to Bethany when I was exactly 20. Bethany became my roomie and BF in college and now all three of us are BF’s….thank God for that life-guarding job at SHCC!! 🙂

Grad School Girls….Me, Missy, Shanna, Kassidy, and Nikki.
I am also SO thankful for the friends I have made in the last two years….Trina, Jamie, Lori, Molly, Emily, Jaime….you know who you are! These are friends that I met and befriended because we all have kids the same age and we started having play dates! I just realized that I have NO pictures of all of us together….something I definitely play to remedy this weekend!

These are just a few of the MANY blessings that I was given in my twenties….can’t wait to see what my thirties hold!!! 🙂