Top 10 Blog Posts for 2017


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We are so excited to share our Top 10 Blog Posts for 2017 with you guys. It was so much fun to look back on this past year and see the journey! Man, it’s been an eventful year with a lot of ups and downs and growth and change and you guys have been along with us for every step of the journey. THANK YOU so much for your continued support and encouragement! We have so many exciting things to share in 2018 and we hope you will follow along with us!

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  1. Why My Kids Don’t Have Social Media –  Well, I have to admit I was really surprised that this was the most read, most commented post that I wrote last year.  Why? Because it wasn’t design related at all! When we launched CC and Mike, there was no specific plan. All I knew is that it was time to redo my Photography website (yes, I was a professional photographer for 6 years before this whole CC and Mike gig), and I felt this prompting that it was no longer supposed to be named CC Miller Photography, but CC and Mike instead. I wanted to start sharing all our creative endeavors—from building and flipping, to selling my prints for design in our print shop, to my book, Magnetic and the true-life events that inspired me to write it, to recipes and lifestyle, and yes, even stories about our lives, the ups and the downs and the lessons we learn along the way. Much to my surprise, over a year ago when I started our instagram account, it was design that took off. You guys, when I say it was completely unexpected—you guys, it was completely unexpected. I posted a picture of one of my prints above our bedroom and the next thing I knew, One Kings Lane was asing me to regram the photo and wanted to know my design advice. I was like, wait a minute? What just happened. My friend Deedra told me when I started this journey that sometimes it’s the most unexpected things that end up taking off. Yep, the design is what took off but from time to time, I throw in a personal post about our lives, about things I’m working through, about parenting, about this journey we are one. So imagine my surprise when it was one of those posts that was my most read post of 2017!Top-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  2. CC and Mike Tulsa Remodel Reveal – One of our favorite memories, and apparently on of yours as well, is the Good Remodel. This was definitely probably my favorite post of the year as I was SO excited to reveal our months of hard work and all the amazing before and afters from this project. If you haven’t been over to the blog to check out this project, head on over now. It does not disappoint, I promise! Top-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  3. Custom Pillow Ideas for the Master Bedroom – Well as I stated earlier, our master bedroom is what started it all, if you will, and it continues to be one of our mot shared rooms on both instagram and the blog. This post on custom pillow ideas for your master bedroom is one of our most-read posts and it is the most pinned over on PinterestTOp-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  4. CC and Mike – Our Story – Here is yet another personal post that you guys seemed to enjoy! This is the story of how Mike Miller and I met. If you haven’t read it, you might enjoy hearing the story behind it all and how my greatest pain ended up leading to me to my most beautiful blessing—my husband!TOp-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  5. Gameroom Reveal – Oh that black statement wall! I’ve been trying to talk Mike Miller into it since we moved into the house and I finally did it! We painted the tv wall in our gameroom Black Satin by Benjamin Moore and finally fished our gameroom. We are absolutely loving it and apparently you guys enjoyed the reveal as well! Head on over if you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet!TOp-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  6. CC and Mike’s Modern Eclectic Christmas Home Tour – We really enjoyed Christmas decorating this year and yes a majority of it was because of our 10 foot King of Christmas flocked tree we got this year! We completely changed how we configured our entire living room and made the tree the focal point as soon as you walked in the door of our house! TOp-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  7. Pool Bathroom Reveal – Yet another project I finally talked Mike Miller into in 2018 was wallpapering our pool bath. I absolutely love how it turned out. It is our fun bathroom. We were so honored to also work with Cost Plus World Market for this reveal. If you haven’ had a chance you should definitely check it out!TOp-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  8. Styled for Spring Home Tour – Front Porch – Our Spring Front Porch was one of our most popular posts in 2018! I’m looking forward to sharing our Spring Front Porch for 2018 since I have some new ideas going on in this head of mine. Let’s just say it will depend on whether or not I can talk Mike Miller into my project because, you guys, it involves cedar and some new additions. Let’s just leave it at that. (Also, I will gladly accept all peer pressure you can send this way toward Mike Miller in order to try to help persuade him to do my project ).TOp-10-Blog-Posts-2017
  9. My Definition of Success – This was one of those posts that I wrote for me. Writing is therapeutic for me, it’s healing for me as you well know if you’ve read my story and what inspired me to write my book, Magnetic, then you know it is a huge part of my creative journey. This is one of those posts that I sat down and pounded out in a matter of minutes. The feelings were strong and the words were flowing and obviously this resonated with many of you as well.  Here is a little excerpt of what i wrote and I sure hope you will go have a read because you just might find that you, too, need help with redefining how you define success in your life.

“You see, I need to be honest with you guys. I’ve been pushing because I wanted to be successful, or what I thought was successful. I wanted to know that I didn’t waste my money investing in this website. I wanted to prove to myself and to others, that I was a success.  And as a result, I found myself sitting in my car bawling in front of my daughter to Miley Cyrus singing “The Climb.” So, I’m stepping away from the push. Yes, there is a mountain I have to climb in front of me and you know what, I’m going to stop looking backward, face my eyes forward, and accept that I have to climb it. But I’m going to do it at my pace. I’m going to stop and take breaks. I’m going to breathe. I’m going to check my son out for lunch. I’m going to take my daughter for a special mother-daughter day. I’m going to text a friend and ask her to go get pedicures. I’m going to constantly remind myself that I don’t have to push to prove.”



10. Master Bedroom Canopy Design – Another one of our top posts featuring our bedroom. Without a doubt one of the main questions I get is about our bed so here you go…this post has several of our favorite canopy beds sourced for you as well as all the products from our bedroom!


Thank you so much for following along with us in 2017. Each and everyone of you who are a part of this creative journey mean the world to us. We have several upcoming projects in 2018 that we will be announcing soon including a flip house that we’ve already gutted and some remodel projects, not to mention all the design projects we will have going in our own home as usual.

Than you so much for all your continued support and encouragement. You guys mean the world to us!