Tulsa Wind River Home Tour

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I am so excited to share this Tulsa Wind River Home Tour with you guys. Undoubtedly my favorite part of my family photography days, was doing  lifestyle sessions and newborn sessions. Why, you ask? Because I was able to photograph families in their element, where they are most comfortable, in the place they spend more time than any other—their home. Okay, and if I’m being honest, I also love seeing inside people’s homes and checking out how they decorate them. The Thompson family was not only one of my favorite families to photograph, but I also fell in love with their home the second I stepped inside. It stood out to me—concrete floors, modern staircase, gorgeous natural lighting throughout, and most of all, I loved all the personal touches throughout their home decor. They are obviously a creative family and their home showcases art work from multiple family members, which I love.

Huge thanks to Dave and Kerrie for letting us inside your beautiful home. I couldn’t help myself, here are just a few of the pictures I’ve taken inside it’s walls that make me smile and seeing my photography peppered throughout the home, also makes me smile by the way.

I think it’s safe to say that Home is Where the Heart is. Thanks for letting us inside Dave and Kerrie.

See more Tulsa Home Tours here. Follow CC and Mike on Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter, or subscribe to our blog.

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