Well Hello There {CC is blogging again}

Sharing is caring!

Well hello there.  My name is Carissa and I use to be a blogger.  I use to take lots of pictures of my kids and post them to said blog.  That was before computer hackers and lice.  Yes, that’s right.  I said computer hackers and lice.

I do believe the last blog I wrote was in April.  After that blog I started getting numerous emails from friends, clients, and family saying that their computers had crashed after going to my blog.  I had to take my blog down and then I hired a company to fix it.  Which was a DISASTER.  During this time period, 4 out of 5 members of my family were stricken with a lice epidemic.  I’m not even going to be able touch on the horror that was my life during that 10 day period that I refer to as “lice hell” because it would be an entire blog in itself.  But let’s just say if you know how much hair I have and you know how much hair my kids have, and you know that you have to go through each and every strand of hair on each and every person’s head numerous times a day and pick out tiny little lice eggs called nits, then you can somewhat begin to imagine the horror that is otherwise known as “lice hell.”  If you also know me, you know that laundry is most certainly my worst downfall….and when 4 out of 5 members of your family have lice, you have to strip beds and every single item in your house daily and wash it.  So where am I going with all this?   After computer hackers and lice, the blog just wasn’t happening.  So I took a nice, long break and I’m just now ready to get back into the game!!!  Clearly I have some catching up to do and 90% of these pictures are gonna be from the good old iphone.  But without further ado…..I give you a crash course on what the Miller’s were up to the past 6 months…..

Little momma had her Spring dance recital and I took pictures of her and a friend in their sassy dance outfits….

Easton played with the Tigers again for the 4th season now.  Crazy and so hard to believe that he’s been playing for that long.  Seems like just yesterday that he played his first tball game.  Michael and his buddy Daniel of course coached and it was a great season for the boys.  This picture was taken at the end of the season tournament.  They played 5 games in less than 24 hours in pretty ridiculous heat.  They lost by one run in the championship game to get 2nd place.  Tough loss but we were so stinkin’ proud of the boys!!!  

We took the kids to the Gaylord Texan Resort to celebrate the end of the school year.  And it was ridiculous fun.  And you should totally book your stay there SOON.  We will be taking a trip back in December for Christmas.  There are ice slides carved out of 2 million pounds of ice, and yes, I will be participating in the ice slides.  And yes, I might be as excited or possibly even more excited about the ice slides then my children, which is probably a little bit sad but whatever. We rocked the outdoor water park at the Gaylord Texan like rockstars.And we took Easton and the kiddos to Lego Land in Dallas while we were there.Easton did Jenks football camp.  He got second overall in his age range so he won this cool bracelet.  Love his precious heart and have to share this story…..when he saw a little boy crying because he didn’t win, he went up to him after the camp was over and gave one of his bracelets to him.  Made this momma SO. PROUD.We swam.  A LOT.  Coco picked up right where he left off and at barely 3 years old, he was swimming all over the pool like a fish, jumping off the diving boards, jumping in the deep end and swimming across the pool.  We also did swim lessons and I gotta share this story about Coco…..I was sitting there talking to my friend and not paying attention to what was going on (I know everyone is entirely shocked by this right now) and I hear all these moms start to gasp.  Then I hear, “Look at that kid up there!!!!”  I turn and see 3 year old Cohen.  AT THE TOP OF THE HIGH DIVE STAIRS.  He climbed the stairs by himself.  And jumped right off.  That kid.  #fearless.Me and my honey went to Vegas together to see Garth Brooks.  It was a bucket list thing.  We pretty much had an absolute blast together.  #loveofmylifeWe swam some more.  We swam with friends.  We swam.  A LOT.We lost our two front teeth.  THE. EXACT. SAME. DAY.  No joke!
We went to Mexico to celebrate our 10 year anniversary together.  And again, had an absolute blast.  Love this guy so much it’s ridiculous.

Then August rolled around and we started school.  Easton 2nd grade, Emmy Kindergarten, and Cohen Mother’s Day Out at Jenks Church.  I had my typical August mental breakdown about my kids growing up.  I’ve just accepted it.  It happens every year and always will.  August is my least favorite month, but then September rolls around which means tailgating and OSU season football tix so all is restored in the universe!!!  GO POKES!We also went to the Jenks Homecoming Parade this year with all our friends and everyone came back over to our house for a rockin’ post-Homecoming party.  Let’s just say there was dancing involved.  Lots of it.  Just Dance 4 on the XBOX plus almost 30 kids hyped up on sugar = TOTAL BLAST.So there we go!  Six months hiatus from blogging and I’m all caught up!  Hopefully the Miller’s will be free of hackers and lice in the future and I will be a blogger once again!!!!