So I’m still recovering from our San Francisco getaway and by recovering I mean that I have 72 loads of laundry that are locked in my laundry room while I’m in here writing this blog about a quick and easy recipe for sausage rice casserole, trying to pretend like that laundry doesn’t exist.  Sounds about right.  I specialize in procrastination and avoidance, especially when it comes to laundry.

Our 5 day getaway was amazing but trust me, we were definitely ready to get back to our kiddos.  Here’s a little {Life with Coco} story to show you how that went.

“Good morning Cohen!  I missed you so much!!”

No response.

“Did you miss me?!?”

I could tell he was in a bad mood so I just left him alone and took him to school.  OK that’s a lie.  I asked him at least twenty more times if he missed me and he still wouldn’t give me what I wanted so I dropped it.  That afternoon when I picked him up I tried again.

“So tell me what your favorite part was?”  (Background…our family asks each other this at the dinner table every night and then everyone tells what their favorite part of the day was.  Sometimes we ask each other at other times though too, just as a way to ask what the good parts of your day were.)

Long pause while Coco looks out the window.  I can tell he has his naughty face on which is a good majority of the time.  Finally he turns toward me and with mock innocence says, “My favorite part of last week?  It was that Aimee stayed with us for five days.”

Aimee is our babysitter by the way who stayed with our kids while we were in San Francisco.  This is so typical.  He knows I missed him something fierce.  He knows I want him to love on me.  He probably even knows that I want him to run into my arms and say, “Oh mother dearest my favorite part of the day was seeing you because I missed you oh so much while you were gone.”  So what does he do instead…

He tells me his favorite part was having a sitter stay with him for five days.  Good gracious that one.  He’s a hot mess and you know what, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  So that’s how our welcome home party went with Coco.  Luckily I have two other kids who told me over and over how much they love me and missed me but Coco…well, he marches to the beat of his own drum that’s for sure.

OK so in a nutshell…Tuesday feels a lot like a Monday right now and I’m pretty sure every other day this week will as well while I try to catch up on life after a five day vacay.  So I’m going to be honest, I’m feeling like sharing this recipe is quite an accomplishment right now.

This is our quick and easy recipe for Sausage Rice Casserole.  It’s one that kids and adults all like.  I’m not going to lie, it is WAY better if you make it with white rice instead of brown but what isn’t better with white rice?  It’s your choice.  You can make it with brown rice for the healthier version, or with white rice for the yummiest version.  If you make it with brown rice you will have to double the liquids.  It takes far more liquid to make it with brown rice.   Oh and if you are making it for just adults, it’s super yummy with spicy sausage.  So spicy sausage and white rice is the yummiest way.  Just saying.  But get your brown rice on if you are looking to be healthy.

First of all, here are some shoppable product links for some of my favorite cookware.  Personally, I love stoneware for making dishes like this and William Sonoma has a great line of stoneware.  I’m also sharing my Kitchen Aid Mixer, copper bakeware from William Sonoma, Silpat which I am obsessed with for baking and I talk about in my Mike Miller’s favorite oatmeal cookies post and William Sonoma dishtowels.  You gots to have a stocked kitchen if you want to do some yummy cooking you guys.

So first of all, brown your sausage then put it in the bottom of a casserole cooking dish.  Like I said, my favorite is Stoneware from William Sonoma.  Saute the veggies in the sausage grease then add them on top of the sausage.

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Add 1 1/4 cup white or brown rice.  Then pour liquids on top. (For white rice you will use 1 14 /12 oz can of chicken broth and 1/4 cup water.  If you want to use brown rice you will need to add another cup of water at least).  Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes then uncover it and stir.  Leave uncovered and cook another 45 minutes.  Again, cook time and liquids might need adjustments if you’re using brown rice.

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Sausage Rice Casserole Recipe
Print Recipe
Sausage Rice Casserole
Servings Prep Time
6 people 15 minutes
Cook Time
1 1/2 hours
Servings Prep Time
6 people 15 minutes
Cook Time
1 1/2 hours
Sausage Rice Casserole Recipe
Print Recipe
Sausage Rice Casserole
Servings Prep Time
6 people 15 minutes
Cook Time
1 1/2 hours
Servings Prep Time
6 people 15 minutes
Cook Time
1 1/2 hours
  1. 1. Brown Sausage meat then put in the bottom of a stoneware casserole dish 2. Saute veggies in the leftover sausage drippings in the pan 3. Add veggies on top of the sausage in the pan 4. Add rice on top of that 5. Add liquids 6. Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes, uncover, stir, add more liquids if necessary then cook for 45 more minutes uncovered
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